How Hard Breastfeeding Can Be
Episode 8: How Hard Breastfeeding Can Be with Kelly Kendall of @thebalancedboob
Have you ever heard that it’s normal for breastfeeding to hurt? Spoiler- it’s not. This week on the podcast Rachael and Kelly bust lots of myths about breastfeeding, mastitis, clogged ducts, and more. They talk about how to source good quality information on the internet and how you can support yourself and prepare for your breastfeeding journey before baby is even here! The goal of their discussion is to give hope through education about our bodies and how breastfeeding works so people can be empowered to make decisions that work for them.
Join Rachael and Kelly to talk about:
learning hand expressions before birth
the importance of self-compassion during breastfeeding challenges
how empowering educating yourself and setting up support beforehand is
busting myths about mastitis
that pain is NOT normal
basics of milk supply and regulation, especially at the beginning
the evolution of motherhood and identity shifts
Kelly is a nurse, IBCLC and founder of The Balanced Boob, which provides support and education to breastfeeding families. Kelly works helping mamas confidently navigate their breastfeeding journey without the overwhelm, guilt, or judgment. Kelly is so passionate about educating and supporting families in her breastfeeding program: Boob School. You can find Kelly on instagram @thebalancedboob and get more support with breastfeeding on her website!
Rachael is a mom of 3, founder of Hey, Sleepy Baby, and the host of this podcast.
Listen to the full episode
Rachael: Welcome to the episode, and today we're talking to Kelly Kendall. Kelly is a nurse IBCLC, and founder of the Balanced Boob, which is an amazing name, and you provide support and education to breastfeeding families. And Kelly is also passionate about helping to realistically prepare families for breastfeeding and any challenges that might come up and helping with self-compassion and education. So Kelly, thank you so much for joining today. I'm really excited to talk.
Kelly: I am so excited to be here.
Rachael: And I was just telling you before we started recording that I have a clogged duct right now or that I'm getting over, so it's very appropriate that we're talking today because I've learned a lot about how to manage that from your page. Can you just tell us a little bit about how you started the Balanced Boob and how you came to supporting families in this way?
Kelly: Yeah, so I trained as a nurse and worked mostly in Mom baby, but really my inspiration for becoming an IBCLC and learning more about breastfeeding was my own hellacious experience as a new mom, as similar to your story. It was just, I was so under-prepared and so overwhelmed it was really, really hard. And so that's what really inspired me to get more educated and start supporting families. And then I've transitioned from working in the hospital to prepare people for their breastfeeding experience and how do we avoid the mom who goes into her birth preparing for birth and just kind of hoping and wishing that breastfeeding goes well and then being hit over the head with how much information there really is and how overwhelming can be. So coming to it from a place of really hoping to give people education about their bodies and how breastfeeding works so people can be empowered to make decisions that work for them.
Rachael: I love that. And I think in today's kind of parenting world, there is so much information, there's so much misinformation, and a lot of it is health related, and so a lot of it is also breastfeeding related. And so I think for new parents, it can be almost worse now than when I first became a mom six years ago because I took a breastfeeding class, but I wasn't consuming tons of Instagram or TikTok content about breastfeeding. So I was kind of just getting my information from one source that I trusted and going with that. But I think today it can be really hard for people to navigate who should I listen to and which pages are legit and what is all of this information really trying to tell me. So do you feel like when you talk to families, that a big kind of theme is that they're either totally under-prepared or totally over-prepared with too many different conflicting ideas?
Kelly: And I think similar to the sleep industry, there's a lot of confusion on credentialing and what things mean, and not that parents can't have good information that they can pass to each other, but there's a lot of influencers, mom influencers that can knowingly spread a lot of maybe old information or something that worked for them, but really isn't the most up to date strategy. And especially with clogged ducts, I think it was really at a peak a couple years ago with the really bad information that moms were telling each other: “go in the shower, take your electric toothbrush, if you're not bruising yourself, you're not going to get it out!” And I think there's just a lot of noise out there and it's really overwhelming, especially when you're just trying to keep your head above water for what content is legitimate, who can you trust? There's just a lot of noise and Instagram is a really busy place, and as much as we both love educating on there for new parents, really it can be so overwhelming to know where to go and who to trust in that experience.
Rachael: It can be really tough. And like you were just saying, with the mastitis protocol being semi-recently updated, right? I just had my third baby eight months ago or so and got mastitis with her twice very early on, and it took a follower telling me, oh, they actually just changed this last year. You should not be using massage and you should not be heating it excessively. They actually have changed recommendations. So I had to educate myself in real time. And so even though I have access to so much of this information and I'm in this space, I still was like, oh shit, I didn't know I was not supposed to be massaging anymore. So yeah, I can only imagine for every other mom out there who's doing this for the very first time. It's just there's so much. So are those the types of things that you're able to teach people in boob school or what is your favorite format to teach?
Kelly: Yeah, so what I really love about Boob School, which is my breastfeeding program, I think having a container, just like how you talked about, there was so much noise, there were so many voices, people didn't know where to go. And creating a resource that has everything in one spot that's really curated makes people feel really safe. Breastfeeding and being a parent for the first time or the fourth time is just an incredibly vulnerable experience where I think anything that we can do for ourselves that creates safety and gives us resources that we can access an alternative to doom scrolling, an alternative to looking just at random people's reels and trying to make sense for it for ourselves. I'm really interested in anything that I create. Not just is it really good evidence-based information, but does it create safety for people? Is it from a lens of self-compassion? Those things are super important to me. And I think just as a new mom, we're so incredibly hard on ourselves that sometimes I think the most important thing I say to people is just like, you're doing the best you can. And that is always enough. And that to me is the thread that goes through everything and is just as important as the clinical piece. And oftentimes more because we can just make things so much harder for ourselves because we're trying to be perfect and we feel like things need to look a certain way. And I know this through my own lived experience because I was very much that way. So really coming from a framework of how we can treat ourselves with really deep kindness as we're navigating this thing that can be really, really, really hard. That doesn't necessarily mean we're doing it wrong. That's just kind of part of the human experience and part of becoming a parent is just sort of these huge shifts and this huge vulnerability that comes up for people.
Rachael: Yeah, I love that you said that. And I say I share the same sentiments a lot of times with sleep. Just because it's really hard right now doesn't mean you're doing it wrong, have, like you said, some compassion for yourself and it doesn't have to be all or nothing. And I think as far as sleep and feeding are concerned, they're two really loaded topics and there's a lot of not just anxiety about it, but shame. And if it's not going the way you thought it would or the way that you think it should, there's a lot of shame and a lot of feelings wrapped up in that.
Kelly: And I think for women especially, I'll call myself out, but high achieving perfectionist tendencies, birthing our babies and feeding them and helping them sleep and parenting them overnight, it's the first time that we're faced with something we can't control. You can be checking every box and you can want it so bad and still you can't control another human being. You can't control your body. And so how do we speak to that? To me that so much of the work is really living with that kind of duality. So doing that dance of I want great clinical information, I want you to know what to do when a trouble comes up, but I also want you to be able to be really deeply tender with yourself. I think it comes so easily for us to be that way with our kids. We're so patient with 'em as moms, we never think their body is wrong, but we're so quick to turn on ourselves and just be like, oh my God, there's something wrong with my milk. I'm not doing this right, or if only I tried harder. So I think how we can bring that same sort of sentiment to ourselves really can make things a lot easier.
Rachael: Yeah, I agree. So what do you think to set a mom up for a journey that's going to be not just in whatever way it is for her successful, whatever that means for her. So that could be fully breastfeeding, that could be pumping, that could be a combination of things. What do you think are some of the most important things for her to learn before a baby might even be born or in those very early days?
Kelly: So really, really think that every mom deserves to know the basics of how milk supply works. And I do find personally teaching moms hand expression early on is incredibly powerful because it really gives you a concrete tool to support your baby through challenges. I think we, at least for me and for a lot of the moms that I worked with in the hospital when I was there, had this idea that you're going to birth your baby, we're going to put them on our chest and they're going to scooch over there and latch. And that definitely does happen, and it's beautiful when it does, but when it doesn't, parents are just flabbergasted and don't really have anything to pull from. And I think that's super anxiety provoking for people. So setting themselves up, I really find if you know hand expression and you're able to use them, it prevents a lot of difficulties early on. Of course, the foundations of latching and how babies' reflexes can help us. And I think just having your resources of support lined up. So in Boob School, we have a Facebook group and support calls if it looks like that for you, or finding a local support group or finding a lactation consultant in your community and maybe contacting them before birth, setting yourself up for the journey that you want. And also the safety net if things don't go the way you planned. And sort of this idea that I think with parenting or breastfeeding, we sort of go in and we're like, I'll figure it out when the time comes, when the time comes, you are sleep deprived, you are emotional, you are in survival mode. Like girl, this not time.
Rachael: You're potentially in pain. Yeah, no.
Kelly: Right. So I think kind of changing the language and telling moms the truth, I think to me, and you too, I can be on my platform talking all the time about educating yourself and how empowering that is. But really, the way we will change this for each other is if we tell each other the truth about how hard it is, and we tell our sisters and our cousins and our friends, educate yourself on this, you will never regret learning about this and prioritizing your education. I think we prioritize what we think we can control, like the gadgets and if I have this device or this thing or this is going to make things easier, but really what makes things easier is your resources and your support.
Rachael: Totally. I so agree with that. And I also see this shift on social media. I don't know if you've noticed it as well, but I think that Instagram and social media used to be this very idyllic place where it was beautiful feeds, aesthetic, everything looking beautiful and perfect, and then it kind of went the other direction and more like real relatable content was being prioritized more and people were really identifying with that type of content. And now it's almost swinging back where people are like, I don't want to see how hard things are anymore. Stop talking about how hard motherhood is or stop scaring people. And I see this especially on TikTok, but it's really a lot of backlash for people. I don't want to say the word complaining, it's not complaining, but that's the perception isbthat moms, all they do is complain. All they do is talk about how hard it is, why do you even have kids? But I do think that we need to be honest and we need to talk about, yes, it's wonderful and it's joyful and it's all these things, but it also can be really hard and we need to prepare people for that.
Kelly: Yeah, I think it's so much of parenting is just holding the duality, holding the both. It is incredibly hard. It is always changing. There is so much uncertainty and how do we feel safe and good and joyful in the fact that there are a lot of hard parts about it. And for me personally, I'll just speak to when I was a new mom, that was incredibly freeing. I truly had this perception that I had to be loving every moment of things. I had to be loving the middle of the night feeds. I wanted this baby so much and the right way for me to love her would be loving every minute and really resist. It made me feel guilty for not. And just sort of accepting that sometimes it's hard and sometimes you feel resentful. That doesn't mean you aren't going to crawl in their room and stare at them at two in the morning and literally cry because you love them so much. But it's kind of both parts of it. And I mean my kids are older now. I have an 11 year old and nine year old, and that really hasn't changed. It really continues. The details change and what they need from you changes, but that duality remains very much a part of it. And I think that's what it means to be human.
Rachael: I do, too, and getting comfortable with that. The sooner you get comfortable with that fact that two things can be true at the same time that you can love your kids and want to cry at how adorable they are, and also you're exhausted and it really sucks sometimes. And it's hard. It can all be true at the exact same time. And I think the more we try to fight that, the more miserable we are.
Kelly: Yeah, absolutely. Totally agree.
Rachael: So as far as for new parents or parents that are about to welcome another baby or their first baby, what would you say? You mentioned hand expression being very compassionate with yourself and I love those tips so much. What are some other things that you think new parents might not be as prepared for? Because I think we do so much prep, we go to birth classes, we spend hours and hours on our baby registry, but not everybody is really prioritizing learning about breastfeeding or learning about alternatives to breastfeeding or things to complement or supplement with breastfeeding. So what do you think are the main things that people struggle with in those early days that could be helped or solved with just kind of education?
Kelly: Yeah, I mean I think people sometimes go in having this really idyllic or this is how it's going to look. I am going to exclusively breastfeed and I'm not going to start pumping until this point and we're not going to introduce bottles until the four weeks old or we're not going to use a pacifier. And my gist is I really do think that we should be prepared for all, because I think there are the people that I see meeting their goals and I am not someone that thinks exclusive breastfeeding is the only way. There's many people that are combo feeding in boob school and honestly, whatever makes you feel connected to your baby and good in your body, you should do. But I think people feel like a failure if they need to pivot from what they thought their journey would look like and understanding that, especially if you're having breastfeeding difficulties, that it's not linear, there can be a lot of ups and downs. Things can shift a lot of different ways and knowing that that can be okay and part of the process and that you're not wrong for that I think is just, it gives people the freedom to suffer a little bit less because I think it's that double-edged sword of something isn't going the way we think it should and then that's hard enough, but then we kind of beat ourselves up because of it. And that doesn't help anybody but knowing it's okay if maybe you need to take a 24 hour break and pump because you're crying every time you latch your baby. That is an okay thing to do, or you need to shift and introduce bottles for a little while. All of those things, we want to understand how they can impact things and we want to tell the truth and be educated, but I think holding a little more loosely to what we exactly think the right way is gives a lot of freedom and a lot of space for people to actually embrace what feeding looks like now and instead of fighting for this ideal that they thought that it would be.
Rachael: For sure. So what are some of the biggest myths that you see either on social media or just in the people in boob school coming to you saying, oh, I thought I had to do this, or oh, I thought this was the best way. What are some of those myths that just won't die? There are so many in the baby sleep world, and I think in the feeding world there are too. What are some of the biggest ones that you see that make you just want to bash your head against a wall?
Kelly: I would definitely say the idea that pain is normal. Of course, everyone's in pain for three to four weeks or longer. That really isn't true. If you're in continuous pain while breastfeeding, there's something going on that's your body's way of telling you that something isn't right. And I see these poor moms that are like, I'm crying every time I latch my baby and I feel horrible about it. And that is your body's response to something that's going on and responding to it and not wanting to breastfeed when you're in pain is a normal biological nervous system behavior. We don't want to do things that hurt us. So that is a big one. So pain isn't normal. Another big one for me is that babies need to feed on both breasts for 15 minutes and 15 minutes. So a lot of times we hear much more about low supply. I think people being concerned that they don't have enough milk, but a lot of moms may have more milk than they need and that baby may be doing just fine on feeding on one breast and they feel really worried or scared that the baby isn't going to the other side. And so that's something that won't ever die, that it may be totally normal. And if your baby is peeing and pooping and growing, that your baby only may want to feed on one side, especially in the beginning when you have a lot of milk. I think also the things about mastitis and clogs that massaging, heat, sticking vibrators and electric toothbrushes and breast massagers into our breasts, are kind of the way to go about things and they really aren't. And there's so much that we're learning about how the microbiome works in the breast and how the breast responds to different types of massage that people are doubtful because when we're teaching the kind of massage that you need when you're dealing with engorgement or mastitis, it's so light and gentle people. We live in this society where more is better. And so I feel like people hear me say, touch your breasts like you touch your newborn's cheek. People have this thought, well, this literally can't possibly work.
Rachael: That an't possibly work, right?
Kelly: I have a clog, I have to get it out. And shifting our thinking from to the breast being inflamed and this being an inflammatory process and wanting to kind of move the inflammatory fluid out of the breast is really the foundation of it.
Rachael: Okay. So let's talk a little bit more about mastitis just for those. I had never heard of it before I had it and I've had it with my second and third baby a few times. Can you just talk about what mastitis actually is and what we can do to maybe prevent it from happening in the first place?
Kelly: So anytime we're talking about itis- in the body, it just means inflammation. So a lot of people when they hear the word mastitis, they immediately think it's an infection. Although mastitis can be infectious, it definitely is not always. And the other thing that we've learned recently that's shifted is the idea that mastitis is a spectrum. So even when we're talking about clogs, that's still a part of the mastitis spectrum. It's just kind of earlier on in things. So if you're someone that is always getting clogs or really sore red areas in your breast, that's kind of subacute mastitis. And we really used to encourage people that they needed to keep their breasts empty. So feed and pump really aggressively on that side. And what we've learned is that this kind of can perpetuate this problem with moms with oversupply. So having an oversupply, which means you have more breast milk than your baby needs is a pretty big risk. So managing, I have a lot of, when I meet with moms and we're talking about I've literally had three clogs this month, or this is my fourth mastitis many, many times, really what we need to address is an oversupply and helping them to manage that and slowly bringing their milk supply more in line with what their baby needs. The other part of mastitis that we're learning more and more about is just like everything in the body, your breast has a microbiome. It's not a sterile environment. We used to think it is. So when we have a healthy breast, it just means that those good bacteria are in balance. And when we're experiencing, especially chronic mastitis, chronic clogs, it's really a sign that our breast microbiome is disturbed. And we have found that addressing the breast microbiome with really specific probiotics that are targeted for healthy breast tissue can really reduce the incidents without a mom needing to necessarily go on antibiotics.
Rachael: Okay, interesting. So are you finding that it happens more so in the first few weeks or months? For me, that was always when I would get it the most, was when I had a newborn. And is that just because your supply is still kind of regulating?
Kelly: So it's actually most common in the first month postpartum. And that's really probably has to do with exactly for many moms in the beginning, your body just really overshoots what your newborn needs and you just have so much milk. And so that's when we hear moms experiencing mastitis most frequently. We also see it during vacations, during the holidays when the feeding rhythm is just off with the baby. And sometimes when moms are fighting something else like, oh, I just got over, I'm fighting strep throat. We've just had endless illnesses in this house. A lot of times when your immune system is really done, other things can be more susceptible, but really for sure moms see it in the first couple weeks. And that the problem with that for so many is like that's when we're the least educated.
Rachael: Exactly.
Kelly: You literally have no idea what's happening. Moms are shocked.
Rachael: I thought I had the flu the first time I got it, and then I noticed all these red splotches on my boob and I was googling it and I had no idea what it was. And then I ended up texting a friend, I think, have you ever had this? And I sent her a picture of my boobs and she was like, oh yeah, that's mastitis. You probably need antibiotics. And of course, this was five years ago, so I didn't know about any of the things that I could do to treat it at home. So I did do the antibiotic, but I would've really liked to have not done that. So when would you know like, okay, this is serious. I need to call my doctor, I need a prescription or I can maybe treat this at home. How do you make that distinction?
Kelly: Yeah, so I definitely think about the severity of it. Some moms will be able to give it 24 to 48 hours of resting, doing a ton of lymphatic massage. And lymphatic massage is a light massage focused on sweeping motions up towards your arm because what we're trying to do is help move that inflammatory fluid that's putting pressure on your milk ducts. We're trying to help move that through into your lymph systems to your body. So for a lot of moms we can give it 24 hours and watch it. Ice can be really helpful. And then using non NSAIDs like Motrin or Tylenol can help. And a lot of times moms can treat it themselves for sure, if you're getting sicker, if you're vomiting, if things aren't moving in the right direction, calling your doctor is a good idea. Or if it's a Friday afternoon and your doctor's going out of town or you're going out town, give them a call, tell them what's going on. Say- I want to give it some time and try these other things. But if it's not better in 24 to 36 hours, I'm going to start these antibiotics, knowing what typically antibiotic treatment for mastitis is like a 10 to 14 day course. So I've had moms reach out and be like, I ended up at an urgent care at the beach and they gave me five days of augmenting. Is this what I need? And no, it's not what you need. So the American Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine has a mastitis protocol that is available on their website. So if you're rolling up to a random ER or a random urgent care and you may not be seeing an obstetrician or even if you are seeing your OB and they just aren't up to date on the most recent information, you can bring this in as the recommended doses and you can make sure that you know what you need.
Rachael: Perfect. And I know that there's a lot of different opinions on other supplements like sunflower lecithin, so what is your opinion on that?
Kelly: So sunflower lecithin than is something that is an emulsifier letitchin is, and it can be effective for reducing the risk of clogs and mastitis, especially if moms are dealing with it chronically, it can upset some people's GI system. So I really like using choline, which is the more active form of letichib and it has much less GI side effects. And it's also just something that's really good for breastfeeding moms in general. So that is something that generally I prefer to put people on, especially if this is something that they're wanting to just take prophylactically or preventatively to make sure the mastitis stays in control and you don't have any issues. So that's my preferred route.
Rachael: Okay, perfect. That's so helpful, thank you. And then I know there's also breastfeeding gymnastics or breast gymnastics. So is that a similar idea to the lymphatic massage, is that we're just trying to move the fluid?
Kelly: Right. Kind of does two things. So Maya Bowman, who is a IBCLC, created breast gymnastics, tagged that fun name that will never forget it, and it's really just pulling your breast up and moving it in all directions. And it does two things. It kind of helps pump the lymphatic fluid up through the body and it kind of stretches the milk ducts themselves and can help move things along. Because when you're seeing clogs that really is almost like a biofilm of bacteria and the different fats in breast milk. Not everyone who has a clog- what we are calling a clog, maybe an area in their breast that feels congested or sore or painful. Not everyone will ever see a clog like that come out in their breast milk. You can have plugs, clogs or plugs or subacute mastitis and it really be from inflammatory fluid that's pushing on our milk ducts super, super small. So even a little bit of extra fluid can really press on them and that milk gets backed up. And oftentimes that's actually what you're palpating. You're not palpating. I think moms imagine this giant lump of cottage cheese in their breast. They have to get out, right?
Rachael: That's you think of, yeah, clog, that's what you think of, right?
Kelly: And not that some moms don't have that, but again, that's really like a biofilm, the interaction, the bacteria and the cholesterols in your milk. But you certainly can have areas of congestion, a firmness of pain in your breast and you're never going to express a clog. So really resisting that urge. It's like when you have a big zit on your forehead that's brewing and we're like, you shouldn't touch it and You just always are.
Rachael: It’s hard not to pick it.
Kelly: The same thing goes on with your breasts. I mean, I think moms are like, is it better or is it worse or is it getting bigger? Is it, and we have this tendency to dig in and want to palpate it and we're much firmer than we need to be. So as much as you possibly can resisting that and really focusing on this lymphatic massage, breast gymnastics, ice, these supportive therapies. And I do really think for a lot of moms, if you feel it brewing, if you can rest, which I know is the hardest thing in the world, especially when you have young kids, but a lot of times it really does help. It really does help. It can make a big difference because that is one of the things that is most helpful for our immune systems is when we can give our body that.
Rachael: For sure. Yeah, like you said, easier said than done, but it really does, for me at least every time that I've had, it makes a huge difference when I can just be horizontal as much as possible.
Kelly: Yeah, absolutely. It's the kind of day where if you have a partner like, okay, put them in charge of the kids, phone, nap, whatever you need to do because you just get in bed and your body, your immune system can kick in and oftentimes you don't need the antibiotics if we're able to use these supportive therapies.
Rachael: Right. Okay, perfect. Well, thank you so much for clearing all of that stuff up. And before we wrap up, I would love to hear just, it could be breastfeeding related or not. What is one thing, I know you have older kids, but what's one thing that you wish that you had known about before becoming a parent either for the first time or the second time, or what's one thing that you just really wish people had prepared you for?
Kelly: I was really unprepared for the big identity shift that came with mothering both times that really, it was a reinvention of who I was, both experiences of how I live in a world where I love somebody so much. And really that reinvention of self that takes years. Like I said, I'm still waiting for things to get easier and my daughter is turning 12 in September, but I just think that parenting is forever a beginner sport because it's always changing and each of our kids needs something different from us. That's the other thing. We can't use the exact same parenting techniques or sleep techniques or breastfeeding techniques for each kid. It just doesn't translate. And so I think just becoming comfortable with sort of evolution, just when you figure it out, they need something different from you and you have to adjust. And learning that, I'm still learning that. I'm still surprised how often it changes.
Rachael: It’s so unfair. It's like a moving target.
Kelly: It is a moving target. I think it's always a beginner sport. And I think just surrounding yourself with people in your community, other parents who you look up to who you can maybe be a few years down the line than you, can give you so much perspective. Because I think when you're in the thick of it, especially in the newborn stage, especially when their needs are so high, we kind of feel like it's always going to be that way. And I think just having a relationship with other parents that are in it with you or a little bit passed it, it can really help.
Rachael: It's so true. You just cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. You think like, okay, I guess this is my life now forever. It's always going to be this hard and it's always going to be like this. But yeah, you're right. It is always hard to a certain extent, but it's just a different kind of hard, and I don't think anything is as hard as the newborn stage with your first baby. It's just so intense.
Kelly: No, it's so intense. And I think we have such high expectations and so much pressure on ourselves. And there's so much noise, like you said, so I feel like it's this nuance for us of being like, there's so much noise, but I am part of the noise. Yeah.
Rachael: Exactly. I know I struggle with that so much because it's true. It's like I'm contributing to that. But also, I also feel strongly that there needs to be balance for people, right? There can't just be one way or one viewpoint of doing things. So I'm just always reminding followers too, curate your social media feed. Follow one or maybe two people that really resonate with you per topic. Don't follow a million sleep people. Don't follow a million breastfeeding people or positive discipline or whatever. Play, whatever it is. Pick one or two from each little category and then do what feels best to you in your own home.
Kelly: Absolutely. And you need to find the people that resonate with you and then you need to find what works and leave the rest. I really believe that.
Rachael: Exactly.
Kelly: Cheers to that.
Rachael: Well, thank you so much. Yeah, cheers to that with my, I have three drinks going here. I don't know which one to cheers with, but I've got some bone broth going. I'm trying, like you said, to support my immune system, get rid of this clog. I'm going to go do my breast gymnastics now. Thank you so much for joining us and for sharing your wisdom and where can people find you and find your classes and all of that stuff?
Kelly: So yeah, I am on Instagram @thebalancedboob, and then That's where everything is.
Rachael: Perfect. Thank you so much again, and we will talk to you soon.
Kelly: Awesome. Thanks a lot.
Rachael: Bye Kelly!